Buffered CRYSTAL POWDERED VITAMIN C - Pure Encapsulations
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Buffered Ascorbic Acid Powder -227 Grams
Buffered Ascorbic Acid

Buffered Ascorbic Acid Powder -227 Grams

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Your Special Price: $37.20
A unique combination of buffered ascorbates designed for every age. Tastes great in any liquid. Contains approximately 4,400 mg. of buffered ascorbic acid per teaspoon.
Product Number: SKU00187
In stock and ready to ship Free shipping for all domestic orders over $33.00. WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS.

 A unique combination of buffered ascorbates designed for every age. Tastes great in any liquid.

 Contains approximately 4,400 mg. of buffered ascorbic acid per teaspoon (4.4 grams).

 This formula is buffered to lessen gastric irritation in sensitive patients. All Natural. Vitamin C offers a wide range of support for the human body. It is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It supports the body's defense system by enhancing white blood cell function and activity. It increases inferferon levels and antibody response. Vitamin C, one of the most potent dietary antioxidants, provides optimal nutritional support to all physiological functions.The buffering effect of the various minerals will allow a higher ph and therefore will not upset the stomach.


  • Amount Per Serving
  • one heaping teaspoon (4.4 grams) contains approximately:
  • vitamin C 2,024 mg.
(from calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate)
  • calcium (from calcium ascorbate)387 mg.
  • magnesium (from magnesium ascorbate)216 mg.
  • potassium (from potassium ascorbate)66 mg.

 Start with one teaspoon daily in a tall glass of water and then increase if necessary

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