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Expanded Cycling Female Hormone Panel (consultation included)
The expandable female hormone panel

Expanded Cycling Female Hormone Panel (consultation included)

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Your Special Price: $425.00
This test is for women who still have their menstrual cycle.
Product Number: SKU00003
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*Price includes consultation with doctor to discuss results and recommendations

The DiagnosTechs Female Hormone Panels (FHP and eFHP) are easy to collect saliva tests to evaluate the various hormones that play a role in female reproductive function. These hormones fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle; therefore, testing on only one day of the month may not give a complete portrayal of the dynamic balance of your hormones. With the Female Hormone Panels, 11 separate samples are taken throughout the entire monthly cycle in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of what may be contributing to your symptoms. Your hormone levels are measured from your saliva, which can be collected easily and painlessly at your convenience.

The Female Hormone Panels screen for:

 Hormone imbalances that may contribute to PMS and migraines 

 Factors contributing to infertility such as luteal phase deficit, anovulation, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

 Inadvertent or excessive hormone exposures that may cause irregular menses 

 Underlying hormone abnormalities associated with painful or heavy menses 

 Early indicators of perimenopause

Eleven saliva samples are used to assess:

 Estradiol - Produced by the ovaries, this is the most active form of estrogen prior to menopause. Proper levels are necessary for healthy menstrual cycles and fertility. 

 Progesterone - As the word indicates, progesterone is pro-gestational. This hormone prepares the endometrium (internal uterine lining) for implantation of the fertilized ovum. Abnormal levels can play a significant role in infertility and recurrent miscarriage.

 DHEA - A hormone produced by the adrenal glands, DHEA is a precursor to estradiol and testosterone. Too much or too little DHEA can lead to abnormal levels of both estradiol and testosterone. 

 Testosterone - Often considered a male hormone, testosterone plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, metabolism, energy, and libido. Elevated levels are associated with symptoms such as acne and facial hair growth, and may indicate PCOS.

Why saliva instead of blood? 

For hormones to be active, they have to exist in their free state. In blood, most hormones are bound to proteins and are therefore inactive. It can be difficult to determine how much of a hormone measured in serum or blood is free and actually available to your cells. In saliva, however, hormones are readily measured in their free and bioavailable state.

The FHP may be helpful for determining the underlying cause of:

  Irregular or painful periods 

• Infertility or miscarriage 

 Premenstrual syndrome (mood changes, breast tenderness, water retention, pelvic cramping) 

Low libido 

 Facial hair growth 



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