HZ-Chord - 2fl oz-12421
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HZ-Chord - 2fl oz
HZ-Chord - 2fl oz

HZ-Chord - 2fl oz

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Your Special Price: $32.00
HZ-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to exposure to viruses, generally through personal contact.
Product Number: 12421
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HZ-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to exposure to viruses, generally through personal contact. The symptom picture relates primarily to skin concerns, though there may also be symptoms related to the nervous system.

For symptoms such as itching skin eruptions, warts, canker sores.

Supplement Facts

Active Ingredients:
59.1 mL contains 6.25% of Baptisia 4X; Ceanothus 6X; Citricum ac 12X; Echinacea 4X; Gelsemium 12X; Hydrocotyle 12X; Lycopodium 12X; Merc solub 12X; Mezereum 12X; Morbillinum 30X; Nux vom 12X; Paloondo 5X; Phytolacca 4X; Sepia 12X; Thuja occ 12X; Thyroidinum 9X.

Inactive Ingredients:

Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.

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