Magnesium chloride - 2 OZ-12224
  1. Magnesium chloride - 2 OZ
Magnesium chloride - 2 OZ
Magnesium chloride - 2 OZ

Magnesium chloride - 2 OZ

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Your Special Price: $13.50
Product Number: 12224
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Important nutrients as part of your nutri spec program

These include:
Electrolyte Stress Imbalance 
 Ketogenic Imbalance 
 Parasympathetic Imbalance 
 Acid Imbalance  
 Alkaline Imbalance

Conditions frequently found in patients who show one or more of these imbalances include: 

high blood pressure 
shortness of breath 
 pain sensitivity

Supplement Facts

MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE Each 1/8 teaspoon supplies 67 mg. of magnesium.

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