For decades, Alzheimer’s disease has been known to be associated with the accumulation of so-called neurofibrillary tangles, consisting of abnormal clumps of a protein called tau inside brain nerve cells, and by neuritic plaques of beta-amyloid outside these cells along with dying nerve cells, in brain tissue.
In Alzheimer’s disease, tau bunches up inside the nerve cells and beta-amyloid clumps up outside these cells, disturbing the nerve cells controlling memory, notes
What hasn’t been clear is the relationship and timing between those two clumping processes, since one is inside cells and one is outside cells, says
“For the first time, we think we understand that the accumulation of amyloid plaque alone can damage the brain, but that’s actually not sufficient to drive the loss of nerve cells or behavioural and cognitive changes,” Wong says. “What appears to be needed is a second insult – the conversion of tau – as well.”
A mouse model that develops dementia in a similar way to humans
In humans, the lag between development of the beta-amyloid plaques and the tau tangles inside brain nerve cells can be 10 to 15 years or more, Li says, but because the lifetime of a mouse is only two to three years, current animal models that successfully mimic the appearance of beta-amyloid plaques did not offer enough time to observe the changes in tau.
To address that problem, the
Intervention before the conversion of tau
One implication of the new research, Wong says, is to possibly explain why some drugs designed to attack the disease after the conversion of tau haven’t worked. “The timing may be off,” he says. “If you were to intervene in the time period before the conversion of tau, you might have a good chance of ameliorating the deficits, brain cell loss and ensuing consequence of the disease.”
The work also suggests that combination therapy designed to prevent both the beta-amyloid plaque formation as well as pathological conversion of tau may provide optimal benefit for Alzheimer’s disease, the researchers say. Their mouse model could be used to test new therapies.