Dr. Stan Guberman, DC, DCCN, DCBCN
- Chiropractic Physician
- Certified Acupuncturist
- Board Certified-Diplomate-Chiropractic Board Of Clinical Nutrition
- Board Certified-Diplomate-College Of Clinical Nutrition
Practicing Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Over 38 Years
Dr. Guberman utilizes Genetic Testing, Blood Testing, Urine, Hair, and other methods to support the treatment of:
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Hypoglycemia, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Thyroid Disorders
- Prostate Disorders
- Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
- Hypertension
- Cholesterol Reduction
- Weight Management
- Macula Degeneration
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- And Much More
Utilizing The Latest Techniques In Nutritional Evaluations:
- Functional Blood Testing Analysis
- Adrenal Saliva Testing
- Gastrointestinal Testing-Stool and Saliva
- Hormone Testing-Saliva and 24 Hour Urine Testing
- Toxic Element Hair/Tissue/Mineral Analysis
- Genetic Testing
- Cyrex Labs Testing
- And Much More
To schedule your appointment with Dr. Guberman either in-office, by phone or Skype call 800-333-9942
Local: 954-722-8086
Fax: 954-726-6899
7051 West Commercial Blvd., Suite 3C
Tamarac, Florida 33319
Email: [email protected]