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What is PQQ?
What are the benefits of PQQ?
What are the features of SR-CoQ10?
SR-CoQ10 with PQQ: A powerful combination for cardiac, neural and cognitive healthPQQ and CoQ10 promote antioxidant and mitochondrial health through different mechanisms, providing multifunctional support for cardiovascular health and neuroprotection. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in 71 middle-aged individuals, BioPQQ supplementation over a 12 week period supported healthy cognitive performance, specifically high-end mental processing.*
Pure Encapsulations: A PQQ PioneerPQQ was first discovered in 1979. Since its discovery, scientists have discovered the many facets of cardioprotection and neuroprotection afforded by PQQ. In 1987, Japanese-based Mitsubishi initiated production of PQQ in limited quantities for research purposes. The launch of BioPQQ is a milestone after decades of research and effort to commercialize PQQ.