Topricin Pain Relief Cream
Active Ingredients:
Arnica Montana 6X
Echinacea 6X
Rhus Tox 6X
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Lachesis 8X
Belladonna 6X
Crotalus 8X
Aesculus 6X
Heloderma 8X
Naja 8X
Graphites 6X
Inactive ingredients: Purified water, highly refined vegetable oils, glycerin, medium chain triglyceride.
Directions: Where practical, wash and dry area before applying and reapplying Topricin.
Generously apply 3-4 times daily covering an area of three inches on and around the affected area. Gently massage in until it is absorbed.
For best results re-apply before bedtime and in the morning.
For sports applications use before and after work outs and competition.
For acute trauma injuries apply immediately for best results (following a sprain, strain, bruise, impact or crushing injury)
For directions specific to injury/trauma see insert (anatomical body chart shows where on your body to apply Topricin for Carpal tunnel, arthritis, joint pain, etc.)