Adrenal Stress Test -saliva ( Consultation Included )-13209
  1. Adrenal Stress Test -saliva ( Consultation Included )
Adrenal Stress Test -saliva ( Consultation Included )
Adrenal Stress Test -saliva ( Consultation Included )

Adrenal Stress Test -saliva ( Consultation Included )

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Your Special Price: $250.00
Noninvasive way to evaluate the effects of stress on your body. It includes 10 tests for six different hormones and immune markers that may be affected by chronic stress and stress
Product Number: 13209
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 Adrenal Stress Test


The adrenal glands secrete cortisol in a 24-hour cycle (circadian rhythm), with the highest amount released in the morning and lowest amount released at night. Certain situations such as stressful events, skipping or delaying meals, or sleep disruptions can cause the adrenals to secrete excess cortisol. Abnormal cortisol levels can have widespread effects throughout the body and may contribute to a wide range of health conditions, but treatment options are available if these abnormalities are detected. 

The Adrenal Stress test may be helpful for individuals with :

• Chronic stress and stress-related health problems 
• Fatigue or lack of energy 
• Muscle and joint pain or weakness 
• Blood sugar imbalance 
• Osteopenia or osteoporosis 
• Insomnia, sleep disturbances or difficulty waking 
• Poor memory or difficulty retaining information 
• Irritability or mood swings 
• Frequent or chronic infections 
• Hypertension 
• Increased waist-to-hip ratio or abdominal obesity 
• Anxiety or depression 
• Changes in skin integrity, easy bruising, or excessive stretch marks

The Adrenal Stress Index can: Five saliva samples are used to assess the following:
• Help identify possible causes of excessive fatigue
• Identify underlying reasons for chronic infections including sinusitis and other recurrent respiratory infections
• Screen for concerns with blood sugar and insulin resistance
• Help determine if a gluten-free diet may be best for you
• Identify possible reasons why you may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
• Cortisol to evaluate the stress response
• Insulin to investigate blood sugar control and insulin resistance
• DHEA/DHEA-S to determine how other hormones may be affected by stress
• Secretory IgA to evaluate the toll of stress on immunity
• 17-OH progesterone to determine underlying causes of abnormal cortisol levels
• Gluten antibodies to identify immune response to gluten

Convenient, Simple, and Thorough 

• Collection is noninvasive and painless. 

• Samples can be conveniently collected from your home, office or other location. 

• Saliva is collected over a period of 24 hours, providing more complete information about your body’s stress response. 

• Only the free and active level of each hormone is measured.

What to expect:

Dr. Guberman will send you a test kit containing the supplies you need to collect your test samples. You will collect 5 saliva samples over a period of 24 hours. Complete instructions regarding sample collection are included with your kit. You will need to refrigerate your samples until all collections are complete. Next, you will package the sample in the box provided, affix the pre-paid mailing label included with your kit, and ship the completed kit from your nearest UPS location. D. Guberman will receive your results in approximately 1-2 weeks. This information can then be used to create a customized treatment plan and to determine the next steps in working toward your health goals.

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