Cyrex has developed a new way of testing for food immune reactivity. This method arises from a
foundation of science and medicine. Array 10 – Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen™ features
10 unique characteristics that set Cyrex apart from other laboratories.
1. Raw and Cooked
Array 10 assesses immune reactivity to raw and cooked food proteins. This reflects how
foods are most commonly eaten. This is necessary because when food is heated or
cooked, its protein structure changes. The foods being assessed should best duplicate
what patients eat. Cyrex is the only laboratory to test for both raw foods which are eaten
raw and cooked foods that are eaten cooked.
2. Cross-Reactive, Pan-Antigen Isolates
Specific food antigens are known to cross-react with human tissues. If a person makes
antibodies to these specific food antigens, and the person has barrier permeability, those
antibodies to the specific food antigen can begin attacking human tissue. This can result
in tissue damage, autoimmune reactivity and eventually autoimmune disease. Some
cross-reactive food antigens include, gliadin, casein, food aquaporin, shrimp
tropomyosin, and fish parvalbumin. Pan-antigens are proteins that are common among
multiple sources. Examples of pan-antigens include shrimp tropomyosin, fish
parvalbumin and hevein found in latex and some fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Tropomyosin is found in a variety of fish and crustaceans, which has been shown to
cross-react with human tropomyosin. Fish parvalbumin is found in a variety of fish
species and is known to cross-react with human parvalbumin.
3. Multiple Food Protein Interactions
When food proteins are combined during processing, the antigenicity of the individual
food proteins can change. In other words, a patient may not react to fresh dill or raw
cucumber, but when dill is processed with cucumbers for making pickles, the patient may
react to the dill pickle. Real-world diets include combined foods; some are obvious like
imitation crab, while some are hidden as in the case of meat glue. Imitation crab is made
up of Alaska pollock (MSC-Certified), water, pea starch, sugar, sorbitol, modified tapioca
starch, king crab meat, natural and artificial flavor, extracts of crab, oyster, lobster,
scallop, shrimp and fish (salmon, anchovy, and cutlass fish), refined fish oil (anchovy,
sardine), sea salt, rice wine (rice water, koji, yeast, salt), hydrolyzed soy and whey
proteins, autolyzed yeast extract, potassium chloride, sodium inosinate and guanylate
sodium pyrophosphate, carmine, paprika, artificial color added. In Array 10, we asscombined food proteins including meat glue, imitation crab, pickled cucumbers, canned
anchovies + sardines, and fried potatoes.
4. Large Gum Molecules
Gums (xantham gum, gum arabic, guar gum) are in many foods, especially gluten-free
and dairy-free processed products. They can also be found in soups, juices, jams, salad
dressings, soy products, dairy products such as milk and yogurt, and others. Gums are
large molecules (200,000-5,000,000 Daltons) and parts of their molecules have the same
molecule sequences as other food proteins; this is known as molecular mimicry. These
can cross-react with other food proteins, causing an immune reaction in the patient.
5. Binding Isolates (Lectins and Agglutinins)
Lectins are glycoproteins that bind carbohydrates, and agglutinins bind cells together.
Lectins and agglutinins are found in about 30% of foods. Lectin is only one among
hundreds of proteins found in beans, so it is normally not possible to accurately measure
the lectin antibody when it is mixed with many other proteins. However, by using
purified lectins, the most antigenic protein in beans, peanuts, etc., the testing becomes the
most accurate and specific method to detect antibodies to these inflammatory food
antigens. Array 10 includes lentil and pea lectins, as well as, beans, soybean and peanut
6. Tissue-Bound Artificial Food Colors
Artificial food colorings are used extensively in foods, and humans are regularly exposed
to them by ingestion. These chemical colorants form adducts (bonds or “bridges”) with
proteins in humans; therefore, measuring the antibodies to these colorants will indicate
whether or not they are responsible for a patient’s immune or autoimmune reaction. A
patient may not react to a particular food; however, they may react to the food once its
protein is bound with an artificial colorant. It is important to note that we are talking protein is bound with an artificial colorant. It is important to note that we are talking
about food proteins binding to artificial food colorants, and vice-versa. The binding of
artificial colorants to a food protein may increase the food’s antigenicity and ability to
cause an enhanced immune reaction in patients.
7. Amplified Antigenic Proteins and Peptides
Array 10 includes specific proteins and peptides that are within the entire food proteins.
Examples include shrimp tropomyosin and shrimp protein, cashew vicilin and cashew
proteins, pineapple bromelain and pineapple proteins, and rice endochitinase and rice
proteins. These antigens are highly purified recombinant proteins (proteins made via
biomolecular engineering) and synthetic peptides (short chains of amino acids). By
targeting specific antigens within the entire food proteins, Array 10 increases the
sensitivity and specificity for food immune reactivity.