DIGEST DTX- 90 capsules-13188
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DIGEST DTX- 90 capsules
DIGEST DTX- 90 capsules

DIGEST DTX- 90 capsules

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Your Special Price: $35.00
Formulated with digestive enzymes and botanicals to break the toxin-induced immune cycle through improved digestion, aided detoxification, and balanced immune function*
Product Number: 13188
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Digest DTX 

Formulated with digestive enzymes and botanicals to break the toxin-induced immune cycle through improved digestion, aided detoxification, and balanced immune function* 
 Naturally derived enzymes
 Optimal pH enzyme stability for digestion 
 Extremely bioavailable turmeric 
 Immune function balance*

  *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

*The brain receives neurotransmitters synthesized in the gut and promotes gut health through motility, immune health, and tight junction function
* The enteric nervous system contains 5x as many neurons as the spinal cord and helps relay messages from the brain to the gut8-10 
* Proper gut health promotes balanced immune function, healthy neurotransmitter production, and improved digestion

Suggested Use

Take 1 capsule before consuming food or as directed by your healthcare provider. Do not exceed 10 capsules per day

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