Merprotect Protocol-17234
  1. Merprotect Protocol
Merprotect Protocol
Merprotect Protocol

Merprotect Protocol

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Your Special Price: $134.00
A one-week, two-step protocol designed to support the body in detoxifying and removing mercury and other heavy metals during the removal of “silver” dental amalgams.
Product Number: 17234
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Metals Removal Pre and Post â€“ Proper detox requires minimizing redistribution and reabsorption of mobilized metals. This protocol is designed to prepare your body to bind harmful compounds that may be released during and after the removal of “silver” dental fillings, helping to prevent reabsorption.†

AmalgaClear® â€“ Contains IMD®, our proprietary metal binder, as well as bentonite clay. Because binders may occasionally clog the GI tract, we add soothing, fluidizing prebiotic acacia gum.†

Glutathione Complex® â€“ Enhance the detoxifying properties of our liposomal glutathione with three key elements in one: Glutathione, the “master detoxifier,” a full complex of energizing B vitamins, and the liver supportive herb, milk thistle.

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