Orasal (Salicinium) - Perfect Balance - 10.5 oz Concentrate - Latest Formulation | Dr. Guberman
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Orasal (salicinium) - 10.5 Fluid Oz - Latest Formulation Concentrate
Orasal-8 ounce concentrate

Orasal (salicinium) - 10.5 Fluid Oz - Latest Formulation Concentrate

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Your Special Price: $250.00
Changing the cellular environment to stop fermentive diseases
Product Number: 484
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Orasal contains the Salicinium molecule, formulated with all-natural concentrated ingredients. It is recommended for use against any disorder involving fermenting or anaerobic cells.

The Salicinium molecule interrupts the fermentation process, enabling your immune system to destroy diseased cells. Orasal and the Salicinium molecule it contains are immune system modulators.

Pump included with every bottle sent!


Every normal cell in our body takes in oxygen from our blood to perform its function; this is called respiration or an aerobic process, which takes place in the mitochondria. Cells take in oxygen and perform their functions by producing a chemical called Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP), the vital energy that powers our entire body.

Nobel Laureate Dr. Otto Warburg published in 1926 that by placing normal cells in a vacuum chamber and lowering oxygen content by 35%, normal cells continued to live without respiration: a survival process that every cell can perform. This is called an anaerobic process, meaning without oxygen.

Each cell in our body has a unique set of enzymes and different ways of living beyond respiration, which remain inactive until needed. We experience this every time we overexert ourselves, causing soreness in oxygen-starved muscles. This soreness results from the formation of lactic acid while some cells temporarily live anaerobically. Dr. Warburg noted that if oxygen is reintroduced within hours, those cells would return to aerobic activity. However, if held in a low-oxygen state long enough, they become committed to being anaerobic cells. Over time, these cells lose their RNA and DNA identity and are bound to reproduce only other anaerobic cells.

This altered existence for formerly normal aerobic cells is called anaerobiasis and involves fermentation. These cells now produce only five percent of the ATP they once did, fermenting simple sugars without regard for their type. It is believed these cells can develop 19 times the number of sugar receptors as normal cells. Without this low-energy phenomenon, cancer would proliferate at the same rate as normal cells, leading to rapid death. All dedicated or obligated fermenting cells possess a universal coenzyme called NAD+. Its function is straightforward: anaerobic or fermenting cells, including malignant ones, exhibit a very acidic external environment and an alkaline internal environment.

The NAD+ coenzyme travels inside the cell, attaching to a hydrogen atom, becoming NADH-. It then transfers hydrogen through the Trans Golgi Network to the outside via lactate into the bloodstream. This cycle of dismutation repeats, balancing hydrogen levels inside and outside the cell. Medical science recognizes 210 different cell types, meaning there are 210 tissues in the human body where anaerobic or cancerous cells can grow. The NAD+ coenzyme's universal function applies to all fermenting cells.

Salicinium, a Glycome—meaning it is a complexed molecule with an active ingredient attached to a glycome—is recognized by sugar-hungry malignant cells in the blood. These cells take in the glycome, and an enzyme exclusive to fermenting cells, beta-Glucosidase, splits the sugar from the molecule. The NON-glycome material in Salicinium, upon being released, attaches to the NAD+ coenzyme, disrupting fermentation by halting dismutation. This marks a pivotal moment in the life of a fermenting cell.

Salicinium alters how the macrophages of the immune system recognize diseased cells through immune modulation. The Nagalase enzyme produced by anaerobic cells disables the immune system's natural functions, allowing these diseased cells to thrive. The composite Salicinium molecule only affects anaerobic cells, destroying their enzymatic “cloak,” which shields them from the immune system’s NK cells. Salicinium halts the production of Nagalase and lactate, removing their protection while simultaneously stimulating the innate immune macrophages to eliminate these diseased cells.


By Thomas S. Lee, NMD, APH

Every normal cell in the body takes in glucose and oxygen from the blood to produce energy needed to perform its function. This process, known as respiration, is aerobic and creates energy from fuels, generating Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP).

The first stage of respiration, glycolysis, utilizes glucose. The second stage is oxygen-fueled. Important facts about these processes:

  • Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm (the liquid part of the cell).
  • Aerobic respiration occurs in the cell's mitochondria.
  • Glycolysis is part of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  • Unlike other types of respiration, glycolysis does not require oxygen.
  • Glycolysis splits glucose (a six-carbon compound) into two pyruvate molecules (each with three carbons).
  • In glycolysis, a cell uses two units of energy (ATP) to gain back four in return.
  • Glycolysis in the Krebs Cycle yields two ATP units; with oxygen, the electron transport chain produces 34 ATP units.

Sugar alone is a less efficient fuel than sugar plus oxygen. The process of making energy from sugar without oxygen is called fermentation, often linked to high blood sugar and low oxygen environments, which we aim to avoid. Diseases stemming from fermentation can cause great suffering and premature death, highlighting the importance of understanding and treating them.

Fermentation can occur under conditions of high sugar, low oxygen, moisture, darkness, and warmth, whether in a beer vat, on building materials, or within the bloodstream. Anaerobic organisms (those living in low-oxygen environments) can infect individuals if their body environment fosters growth. Recognizable diseases of fermentation include Candida albicans, athlete's foot, and fungal infections in the lungs or other tissues.

OraSal is a micro-encapsulated version of Salicinium. The Salicinium molecule effectively halts the first phase of respiration (glycolysis) without harming the oxygen stage of normal cell respiration. While glycolysis is less efficient, it is the only type of respiration available to fermenting cells.

Salicinium and OraSal specifically target fermenting cells. However, proper use of these products requires delivering the right amount and form of this molecule to vital tissues and cells undergoing fermentative and neoplastic changes. Both the patient’s cellular metabolism and the biological effects of Salicinium must be considered when applying established protocols for safe and effective use.

Conventional diagnostic technologies and disease imaging remain valuable. However, the most toxic and invasive methods, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, can be minimized. By targeting only unhealthy cells for treatment, the patient's immune system can regain control and maintain its normal defenses.

Chronic physical or mental stress can create a body environment that favors fermentation, characterized by higher blood sugar levels and possible internal or environmental toxins. Cells in this state adapt, becoming dependent on fermentation. These altered ("bad") cells produce only five percent of the ATP they once did, fermenting all simple sugars, regardless of type. It is believed that these cells can develop 19 times the number of sugar receptors as normal cells.

Nagalase is an enzyme capable of shutting down localized immune macrophages, which destroy damaged or dysfunctional cells. If oxygen returns to the cell, aerobic respiration may resume, allowing the cell to regain health. However, if damaged cells fail to return to aerobic respiration, they become functional anaerobes relying on glycolysis for energy. Nagalase activity continues to suppress the immune system, protecting the anaerobic cells.

Salicinium binds to NAD+, ceasing nagalase production. This restoration allows macrophages to resume their protective functions. Without nagalase protection, fermenting cells become visible to healthy macrophages.

Salicinium does not "kill" or "cure" fermenting cells; only the immune system can achieve that. However, Salicinium aids the immune system in returning to a functional state. Once inside a diseased cell, it impairs only the anaerobic stage of glycolysis.


Orasal is part of a recommended protocol consisting of four products:

  1. ORASAL: This is the Salicinium - You will need 2 bottles per month.

    Usage Instructions:

    Dilute 8 milliliters of ORASAL concentrate (4 pumps using the included pump) into at least 8 ounces of water. Wash the pump in hot water prior to use to prevent contamination. Orasal does not need to be taken on an empty stomach but should be taken 15 minutes away from food or acidic drinks. Avoid mixing Orasal with acidic liquids (coffee, tea, juice, smoothies).

    Each bottle contains 10.5 fluid ounces, and two bottles provide a one-month supply. 16 milliliters of Orasal concentrate is equivalent to 6 grams of Salicinium.

  2. Avoid Supplemental Vitamin C: While taking Orasal, avoid high-dose Vitamin C supplements (injections, IV, or orally), as they decrease the effectiveness of Salicinium. Daily nutritional supplements under 500mg are acceptable, but larger amounts should be avoided during use.

  3. REACT: Contains acidophilus, enzymes, and good bacteria to quickly activate the immune system and assist in the cleanup of breaking apart tumors.

  4. ALK-ALIGN: A blend of sodium and potassium bicarbonate and cesium chloride, enteric-coated to prevent digestion in the stomach.

  5. PHENOMENAL: A liquid concentrate that binds with uric and lactic acid, removing it from tissues.


Best Storage for a Sealed Bottle: Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

After Opening: Refrigerate. Keep in a cool pouch while traveling.

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