P-5-P 100 veg caps-17303
  1. P-5-P 100 veg caps
P-5-P 100 veg caps
P-5-P 100 veg caps

P-5-P 100 veg caps

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Your Special Price: $24.99
Product Number: 17303
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Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate (P-5-P) is the converted and easy-to-assimilate form of vitamin B6. This phosphorylated B6 metabolite is a coenzyme in more than 50 different metabolic steps, including amino acid conversions, red blood cell and neurotransmitter production, and fatty acid metabolism.† This active form of vitamin B6 is particularly well-suited for individuals with amino acid imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or to support liver function.

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